
Eva Zeisel

Eva Zeisel moved to Russia in 1932 to assist in the modernization of the ceramics industry. In 1936, however, she was caught up in one of the Stalinist purges, accused of plotting against the life of Stalin. She was imprisoned for 16 months, then one day she was unexpectedly led out of her cell to what she feared was to be her execution and put on a train to Austria in the clothes she was standing in. Just as the reason for her imprisonment was never really known, so is the reason for her release. Recently, Zeisel returned to Russia for the first time since her release from prison in 1937. The Lomonosov Factory invited her to participate in a critique of the factory's work and in the factory's museum Zeisel discovered a tea set she'd made long ago. Now that famous porcelain teaset is being produced by special order from Lomonosov on the limited scale of 2 sets per month. The set includes teapot, c/s, 6 cups & saucers, 6 dessert plates. A true museum piece. Also included here are other pieces she has designed in her career. Credits to Unica.

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